[music-dsp] CfP: DCASE 2018 Workshop, 19-20 Nov 2018 - Submission Deadline: 31 July
2018-07-20 14:41:52 UTC
Dear Music DSP people,
The submission system for the DCASE 2018 Workshop is open until 31 July.
Please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested.
Best wishes, Mark Plumbley


DCASE 2018 Workshop on
Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events

19-20 November 2018, Woking, Surrey, UK

** Paper submission: 31 July 2018 **


DCASE 2018 Workshop is the third workshop on Detection and
Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events, being organized for the
third time in conjunction with the DCASE challenge. We aim to bring
together researchers from many different universities and companies with
interest in the topic, and provide the opportunity for scientific
exchange of ideas and opinions.

The technical program will include invited speakers on the topic of
computational everyday sound analysis and recognition, and oral and
poster presentations of accepted papers. In addition, a special poster
session will be dedicated to the DCASE 2018 challenge entries.

The results of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and
Events (DCASE) challenge 2018 will also be announced at the workshop.

** Call for papers **

We invite submissions on the topics of computational analysis of
acoustic scenes and sound events, including but not limited to:

Tasks in computational environmental audio analysis
- Acoustic scene classification
- Sound event detection and localization
- Audio tagging
- Challenges in real-life applications (e.g., rare events, overlapping
sound events, weak labels)

Methods for computational environmental audio analysis
- Signal processing methods
- Machine learning methods
- Auditory-motivated methods
- Cross-disciplinary methods involving, e.g., acoustics, biology,
psychology, geography, materials science, transports science

Resources, applications, and evaluation of computational environmental
audio analysis
- Publicly available datasets or software, taxonomies and ontologies,
evaluation procedures
- Ethics, privacy, responsible research
- Applications
- Description of systems submitted to the DCASE 2018 Challenge

** Submission **

Papers are to be formatted as 4+1 pages. Papers are maximum 5 pages,
including all text, figures, and references, with the 5th page
containing only references.

For paper templates and instructions on how to submit, see
http://dcase.community/workshop2018/author-instructions and

** Venue **

WWF Living Planet Centre, Woking, Surrey, UK

** Important dates:

Paper submission: 31 July 2018

Notification of acceptance: 17 Sept 2018

Workshop: 19-20 November 2018

** Chairs

General Chairs
Mark Plumbley, University of Surrey, UK
Christian Kroos, University of Surrey, UK

Program Chairs
Gaël Richard, Télécom ParisTech, France
Juan Pablo Bello, New York University, USA

** More information



Prof Mark D Plumbley
Professor of Signal Processing
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP)
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK
Email: ***@surrey.ac.uk
